What We Value


We are a bunch of people who have been broken but are on a journey to become the very people whom God has created us to be. We're not perfect, but God is and we seek Him in all we do.

He brings healing, reconciliation, comfort, guidance, and new life.

Disciples Making Disciples

As imperfect people on a journey together, we do not want to be people who just point in directions for others to follow. As we journey together, we invite others along the journey with us, encouraging, mentoring, praying for, and walking together in the good and not-so-good of life. 


We believe that no one should do life alone. We are committed to pursuing God together. The church, both global and local, is God’s plan for building community and healthy, life-giving relationships.


We want to lead the way with irrational generosity because we believe it is more blessed to give than receive. We will use our God-given resources of time, talent, and treasure to expand His Kingdom on Earth.